the chapters

Chapter 1

Chloe dissapears from the internet
Iriz: ASH! You are the shakespare! Make me a play!
Ash: ok

Chapter 2

Chole arives back from the empty void of space
Chole: I am mystified, I was gone for just a few. How is it you have created such a mess?
Iriz: Uhhh
Iriz: objection! The poet known as ShakesAsh is a liar! The culprit is them and none other!

Chapter 3

Iriz: Ash, you truly are the greatest playwriter- better than Shakespare himself!
Ash: Please, I do not care for complements. I would much rather cash.
Chole hurriedly finishes her lunch, for she can't wait for chapter3 release
Ash: It is unfortunate that Chole is not here to witness this masterpiece.
Iriz: That is no lie, for the chapters are works of art.
Chole misses the release of chapter 3
Chole: NOOO! I have missed the grandest event in history!

Chapter 4

Chole has made the hole
Chole: ASH! Look it did it!
Chole looks at Ash hoping for chapter 4
Ash: I cannot it is time to pack up. Sorry.

Chapter 5

ShakeAsh has been kidnaped by a tree
Chole: Oh no! How will i now get my chapters of amazingness?
Iriz: Don't worry! I am now here
Iriz: I shall make the next chapter!
Chole: Yay! i cannot wait!

Chapter 6

Iriz: What do i write? what will be as good as shakeAsh?
Chole: Just write somthing
Iriz: i can try
Chole: Yay!

Chapter 7

Iriz: So... shakeAsh was kidnaped by a tree?
Iriz: and shakeAsh was stuck eating leaves
Iriz: until the tree fell asleep
Iriz: and shakeAsh fell out
Iriz: with a petrol cat
Chole: Cute!!!

Chapter 8

Iriz: OH NO
Chole: What?
Chole: WHAT?
Iriz: ShakeAsh...
Chole: ? Iriz faints

Chapter 9

ShakeAsh has been stolen by a water fountain Iriz: I am back!
Iriz: THATS why i fainted
Chole: That make more sence now
Iriz: But how sad
Chole: at least they have a petrol cat with them

Chapter 10

Iriz: Im guessing i have to write another chapter then
Chole: Of course!
Iriz: So shakeAsh was traped in a water fountain
Iriz: With a petrol cat
Iriz: eating water
Iriz: with a petrol cat
Iriz: drinking water
Iriz: with a petrol cat
Iriz: and that is the end of this play!
Chole: With a petrol cat!

Chapter 11

the water fountain spitted shakeash out of the fountain Iriz: The water fountain became angry
Iriz: for an unknown reason
Iriz: apart from the deep fried tranchulas everywhere
Iriz: but that is unnecessary detail
Iriz: and afterwards the petrol cat flew out too
Chole: YAY shakeAsh is back!!!

Chapter 12

Shakeash has been kidnaped by a scarf Iriz & Chole: NOOOOOOOO
Iriz & Chole: How could it happan again?
Iriz & Chole: This is sooooo sad
Iriz & Chole: What about the chapters?
Iriz & Chole: Why we speaking at the same time?
Iriz: i don't want to write any more chapters though

Chapter 13

Iriz sighs Iriz: So i have to write yet another chapter?
Chole: Yep! Lucky you!
Iriz mutters yep lucky me Iriz: So...
Iriz: Where do i start?
Chole: with a petrol cat obviously!
Iriz: ok...

Chapter 14

Iriz: So... shakeAsh was kidnaped by a tree?
Iriz: and shakeAsh was stuck eating leaves
Iriz: until the tree fell asleep
Iriz: and shakeAsh fell out
Iriz: with a petrol cat
Chole: Cute!!!

Chapter 15

More coming soon!