the extras

Extra 1

Ash: was shakespheare a poet?
Iriz: lol
Ash: was he?
Ash: the confusion
Ash: i need Chole back at Once
Ash: she shall answer the question

Extra 2

Iriz: he wrote plays
Ash: then i shall ba a...
Iriz: hehe

Extra 3

Ash: what do you think?
Ash: its the first chapter
Iriz: whats the name of the play
Iriz: it needs a name, lets call it...
Iriz: Midfall Noon's Dream!
Ash: not good name

Extra 4

Ash: Titled: The Charade, BY ShakesAsh
Ash: could i have a review?
Ash: Iriz? what do ou think?
Ash: 0 out of 10? i wish for a review
Iriz: it would be a 10...if it was called Midfall Noon's Dream. so in that case...A 8!
Ash: but that would make no sense if it was called That
Iriz: of course it would

Extra 5

Iriz: i want chapter 3
Ash: chapter 3 is in process
Ash: be patience
Iriz: Chole should subscribe
Ash: no
Ash: thats for chapter 4
Iriz: Chole, you only have 1 free trial left

Extra 6

Ash: are you the person who sells things for my plays?
Iriz: yes
Iriz: such a perfect name for all the hard work i do for you!
Ash: hard work?

Extra 7

Ash: the angels sing my praises, for no greater human has existed
Iriz: lol, you should create shakesAsh language
Ash: maybe i should
Ash: and the most modest
Ash: Chole has not yet returned to us
Ash: CHOLE!!!
Ash: i shall call out so that she haste to get back
Ash: CHOLE!!!
Ash: if only the seagulls can carry the message

Extra 8

Chole: hello? i'm back
Chole: what are you talking about?
Chole: seagulls?
Ash: I am the greatest playwriter ever!
Chole: yay
Ash: ShakesAsh
Ash: get it?
Ash: shakes-Ash

Extra 9

Ash: have you seen my works?
Ash: the whole 3 chapters?
Ash: but chapter 4 will cost You
Chole: can i subscribe without money
Ash: but you will see greatness like never before
! Chole: but i am very very poor and can't afford such greatness
Ash: you only pay what you can afford
Ash: so in your case...let me think
Ash: it shall be labor!
Ash: you shall work for me!

Extra 10

Ash: make me candy
Chole: i can't make candy
Ash: learn
Chole: i can't
Ash: oh dear, that's a problem

Extra 11

Ash: i have your next task
Ash: if the task is compleate, you get 4th chapter
Ash: dig a hole!
Chole: a hole?
Ash: of course
Ash: it will be 1m by 1m by 1m
Chole: i can't do that!
Ash: in dirt or sand!
Ash: or at the beach if you want
Chole: the beach is ages away
Chole: 1m is sooooo big
Ash: then half a meter
Ash: no, maybe 30cm is better
Ash: and don't forget to take a picture for your highness
Ash: and put the rabbit in it

Extra 12

where is the hole?
Chole: big enouth
Ash: ok
Chole: next chapter...
Ash: wait a second, i have to write it first

Extra 13

More coming soon!