The sun used to move too fast, so no-one could get enough work done before it was dark. Maui and his brothers weren't happy about that, so Maui came up with an plan. His brothers still didn't believe it would work, and just laughed at him. But Maui had a secret, he still had the magical toothbone of his ancestor, Murirangawhenua. He then plaited very long and strong ropes out of all the flax his village had brought him. Maui then said karakia for the ropes, and left that night with his brothers. They then walked for many days, to the edge of where the sun rose, but only traveled in the dark. They also colected water in calabashes to help them later. They finally made it to the deep pit, where the sun was sleeping. Maui instructed his brothers to make clay huts, to protect themselves from the sun. He then layed out all the ropes, waiting for the sun to rise. The sun soon woke up, and started to rise, as Maui's brothers tried to run away from the heat. But Maui instructed them to stay, and the sun was soon trapped. The sun became angry, when it relised what as happening. The sun roared in anger, when Maui struck it with the jawbone. Maui was then able to command the sun to move more slowly, "No longer will you dictate the length of our days – from now on you will travel slowly across the sky!" The sun finally gave up and agreed, after being struck a couple more times with the jawbone.